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Tere tulemast

About us


We are chemists, physicists, mathematicians, engineers, biologists who work alongside to design bionic units that mimic specific biological functions and/or introduce operations that do not exist in Nature. We apply a constructionist approach where we mimic biological complexity in the form of design principles to produce functional units from simple building blocks and their interactions.​ We called such an approach: Molecular Bionics.


Beppe (short for Giuseppe) is ICREA Research professor and Group Leader at Institute of Bioengineering of Catalunya

Laurea in Chemical Engineering (UoPalermo)

Ph'D Soft Matter Physics 


Professor of Molecular Bionics (2013-2022 ) @UCL

Professor of Synthetic Biology (2011-2013) S. Lecturer (2009-2011) and lecturer (2006-2009) in Bionanotechnology


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Prof Giuseppe Battaglia

Group Leader

Beppe (short for Giuseppe) is ICREA Research professor and Group Leader at Institute of Bioengineering of Catalunya

Laurea in Chemical Engineering (UoPalermo)

Ph'D Soft Matter Physics 


Professor of Molecular Bionics (2013-2022 ) @UCL

Professor of Synthetic Biology (2011-2013) S. Lecturer (2009-2011) and lecturer (2006-2009) in Bionanotechnology


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Prof Giuseppe Battaglia

Group Leader

Dr Denis Cecchin

Operation Officer


SomaServe Chief Technical Officer


Dr Denis Cecchin

Operation Officer


SomaServe Chief Technical Officer


Denis manages our labs operations in London and is also in charge of our translational activities. He's the CTO of both our two spin outs: SomaServe ltd and SomaNautix Ltd

Laurea in Pharmaceutical Technology and Chemistry

PhD in Cell and Tissue Engineering


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Dr Claudia Di Guglielmo

Operation Officer


Dr Claudia Di Guglielmo

Operation Officer


Claudia manages our labs operations in Barcelona. She's an expert in induced pluripotent stem cells and tissue engineering

Laurea in Medical-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


PhD in Biomedicine



Dr Lorena Ruiz-Perez

Deputy Group Leader 

Dr Lorena Ruiz-Perez

Lorena is a Senior Research Fellow  and Electron microscopy facility manager

Licenciatura in Physics


PhD in Soft Matter Physics (UoSheffield)

PDRA UoSheffield, UCL

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Dr Joe Forth

Ramsey Fellow & Physical Biology Lead



Ramsey Fellow & Physical Biology Lead


Joe is a 2020 Ramsey research fellow and he's developing novel methods for printing soft materials)

 MSc. In  Physics

Ph.D. In Physics  

 (University of Edinburgh) 

PDRA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UCL

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Dr Mohit Kumar
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Caixa Junior Leader Fellow & Molecular Engineering



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Mohit is a Caixa Junior Leader Fellow and is developing out-of-equilibrium nanomaterials for targeted therapy.

​B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry, (Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning) 

Ph.D. in Nanomaterials (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research)

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Caixa Junior Leader Fellow & Molecular Engineering




Dr Diana Lourenço Matias

CRUK PDRF & NanoOncology lead


Dr Diana Lourenço Matias

CRUK PDRF & NanoOncology lead


Diana is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow sponsored by the CRUK  in collaboration with Prof Simona Parrinello at the UCL Cancer Institute

B.Sc. in Biochemistry


 M.Sc. in Biomedical research

Ph.D. inn in Morphological Sciences 

(UoRio de Janeiro)

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Dr Daniel Gonzalez-Carter

Caixa Junior Leader Fellow

& NanoNeurology lead



Caixa Junior Leader Fellow

& NanoNeurology lead


Daniel is a Caixa Junior leader postdoctoral fellow 

B.Sci Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry, (UoNottingham)

MSc. Pharmacology (King's College London)

Ph'D in Neuroscience (Imperial College London)

Dr Silvia Acosta Guitierrez

CwCUK PDRF & Computational, Imaging & Theory lead 



CwCUK PDRF & Computational, Imaging & Theory lead 


Silvia is a computational physicist working on the design od phenotypic medicine

B.Sci iin Physics

M.Sci Physics

(University of La Laguna. Tenerife (Spain))

Ph'D in Physics

(University of Cagliari)

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Dr Iris L. Batalha

Caixa Junior Leader Fellow & NanoImmunology lead 


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Iris Batalha_2_edited.jpg

Caixa Junior Leader Fellow & NanoImmunology lead 


Iris is a 'La Caixa' Postdoctoral Junior Leader working on the development of targeted nanotherapeutics for drug delivery with a focus on infectious diseases and cancer. 

BSc in Applied Chemistry, MSc in Biotechnology, and PhD in Bioengineering (MIT-Portugal Program) at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal. 

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Dr Rui Pereira

AIRC iCARE fellow



AIRC iCARE fellow


Rui is a AIRC-iCARE2 research Fellow  working on the development of novel brain tumour models 

B.Sci in Applied Biology 

M.Sc on Processing and Characterization of Materials  University of Minho (PT). 

Ph'D in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells

University of Minho (PT)./University of Genoa (IT)

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Dr Catia Lopes Carvalho



Dr Catia Lopes Carvalho



Catia is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow sponsored under our ERC project.)

BSc in  Pathology, Physiology and Thanatology

(School of Health -P.Porto)

PhD in Neuroscience


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Dr Yangwei Deng (邓扬威)

SomaServe Scientist


Dr Yangwei Deng (邓扬威)

SomaServe Scientist


Yangwei (邓扬威) ia Post Doctoral Research Fellow sponsored under our ( EP/N026322/1) EPSRC project)

B.E. in Polymer Materials and Engineering

 (Zhejiang University )

Ph.D. in Molecular Chemistry

(PSL Université Paris)

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Dr Virginia Gouveia

SomaServe Scientist 



SomaServe Scientist 


Virginia is the Formulation specialist in SomaServe ltd

B.Eng in Bioengineering

(U Catolica Portuguesa Porto)

M.Eng in Biomedical Engineering


Ph'D in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

(University College London/UoPorto)

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Safa Al-Madhi

Self-sponsored Student



Self-sponsored Student


Safa is working on the characterisation and development of polymersomes chemotactic behaviour

MSci in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

(Queen Mary University of London}

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Chiara Cursi

AZ/EPSRC Student



AZ/EPSRC Student


Chiara is working on Precision cancer targeting by combinatorial low-affinity binding​

BSc Molecular Biology 
MSc in Molecular Biology 


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Miguel (Miko) Sipin

EPSRC Student



EPSRC Student


Miko is working on Development of Personalised Medicine for the Treatment of Brain Tumours​

M.Sc. in Chemistry  


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Valentino Barbieri

EPSRC Student


Valentino Barbieri

EPSRC Student


Valentino is working on the Development of Bioinspired Phototactic nanorobots in collaboration with  Dr Giorgio Volpe


Laurea. in Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering  

(Politecnico Milano)

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Maryam Al-Ghandi

King Abdullah Sch. Student



King Abdullah Sch. Student


Maryam is working on the study of biodegradation of polymersomes and micelles

BSc in Chemistry

(Albaha University}

MSc in Analytical and Forensic chemistry


Barbara Ibarzo Yus

EPSRC Student



EPSRC Student


Barbara is working on Polymersomes for cancer immune-therapy applications.

B.Sc. in Biotechnology 


MSc Genetics and Cell Biology

(Coputense Madrid)

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Gabriel Ing

Welcome Trust Student



Welcome Trust Student


Gabriel is working on Liquid phase transmission electron microscopy of RNA polymerase collaboration with the Prof Finn Werner labs

BSc in Biochemistry

 Imperial College London

Joseph Buckley

ERC Student


Joseph Buckley

ERC Student


Joe is working on the Theory and Simulation of Phenotypic Targeting and Super Selectivity .

MSci in Chemistry with Mathematics 

(University College London)

MRes in Fluid Dynamics Across Scales

(Imperial College London)

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Melis Pisiren

BBSRC/AZ Student



BBSRC/AZ Student


Melis is working on the study of macromolecular transport across the blood-brain barrier in collaboration with Astrazeneca 


BSci. in Genetics


MRes. Neuromuscular Diseases

(University College London)

Junyang Chen

Huaxi Hospital student


Junyang Chen

Huaxi Hospital student


Junyang is working on the Development of soft random laser for biosensing in collaboration with Ricardo Sapienza at Imperial College London 

B.Sci Biology

Anhui University

MSci Cell Biology

The University of Manchester 

Jiangqi Feng

Huaxi Hospital Student


Jiangqi Feng

Huaxi Hospital Student


Jangqi is working on the mechanism and therapy of BBB inflammation 


B.Eng. Biopharmaceutics 

(Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine)

MSc in Pharmaceutics

(University College London)

Lara Aiassa

ERC Student



ERC Student


Lara is working on the study of the pathophysiology of Tuberculosis in order to decipher the host-pathogens interactions d in collaboration with Prof. Loris Rizzello.

B.Eng Biomedical Engineering

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 
M.Sci in Bionanotechnology

(Politecnico di Torino)

Barbara Borges

ERC Student



ERC Student


Barbara is working on the study of active transport in reactive vesicles

BEng Chemical Engineering 
MEng Mechanical Engineering (Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG)
MSci Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

(KU Leuven & University of Barcelona)

Akhil Venugopal

La Caixa Student



La Caixa Student


Akhil is working on the synthesis and self-assembly of novel out-of-equilbrium delivery systems

BSci and MSci  in  Chemistry IISER Mohali, India

Jose Maria Muñoz López

FPI Student


Jose Maria Muñoz López

FPI Student


Jose is working on the design of novel antiviral nanoparticles.

BSc in Chemistry (Universidad Autonoma Barcelona) MSc in Organic Chemistry (Universidade Federal de Minas Gera)

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Víctor Mejías Pérez 
Víctor Mejías Pérez_.jpg

La Caixa Student


Víctor Mejías Pérez__edited.jpg

Victor is developing polymer-drug nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery and combination therapies for TB treatment

BSc in Biochemistry  

(Autónoma University of Madrid)
MSc in Research in Translational Medicine

(Complutense University of Madrid)

Gian Marco Tuveri

ERC Student



ERC Student


Gian is working on on the optimisaiton of computational and experimental methods for studying protein structure in liquid water using TEM

Laura in Physics  
(Università di Cagliari)

Zhendong Xie

Huaxi Hospital Student


Zhendong Xie

Huaxi Hospital Student


Xie is working on the development of novel pharmacokinetic models for phenotypic targeting

MEng  in  Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, (Hefei University of Technology)


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Selected publications

  •  X. Tian, D. Moreira-Leite, E. Scarpa, S. Nyberg, G. Fullstone, J. Forth, D. Lourenco-Matias, A. Apriceno, A. Poma, A. Duro-Castano, M. Vuyyuru, L. Harker-Kirschneck, A. Saric, Z.Zhang, P. Xiang, B. Fang, Y. Tian, L. Luo, L. Rizzello, G. Battaglia* On the shuttling across the blood-brain barrier via tubules formation: mechanism and cargo avidity bias Science Adv. 2020, 6 (48), eabc4397

  • I. Williams*, S. Lee, A. Apriceno,R. P. Sear, G. Battaglia* Diffusioosmotic and convective flows induced by a non-electrolyte concentration gradient Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2020, 17, 25263-25271

  • M. Liu, A. Apriceno, M .Sipin, E. Scarpa, L. Rodriguez-Arco, A. Poma, G. Marchello, G. Battaglia*, S. Angioletti-Uberti* Combinatorial entropy behaviour leads to range selective binding in lig- and receptor interactions Nature Comm. 2020 11, 4836

  • X. Tian , C. De Pace, L. Ruiz-Perez, D. Chen, R. Su, M. Zhang, R. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Q. Wang, H. Zhou, J. Wu, Z. Zhang*, Y. Tian*, and G. Battaglia* A Cyclometalated Iridium (III) Complex as a Microtubule Probe for Correlative Super-Resolution Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy Adv. Mater., 2020, 32, 2003901 

  • F. Fenaroli, J. D. Robertson, V. Gouveia, C. Di Guglielmo, C. De Pace, E. Scarpa, P. M Elks, D. Evangelopoulos, J. Ortiz Canseco, S. Yona, H. M Marriott, D. H Dockrell, S. Foster, T. McHugh, S. A Renshaw, J. Samitier, G. Battaglia* and L. Rizzello* Polymersomes Eradicating Intracellular Bacteria ACS Nano 2020, 14, 7, 8287–8298

  • X. Tian, S. Angioletti-Uberti, G. Battaglia* On the design of precision nanomedicines. Science Adv. 2020, 6, 4 , eaat0919

  • Y. Zhu, A. Poma, L. Rizzello, V. Goueveia, L. Ruiz-Perez, G. Battaglia*,and C.K. Williams* Metabolic active fully hydrolysable polymersomes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 8, 4581 –4586

  • A. Joseph, C .Contini, D. Cecchin, S. Nyberg, L .Ruiz-Perez, J. Gaitzsch, G. Fullstone, J. Azizi, J. Preston, G. Volpe, G. Battaglia* Chemotactic synthetic vesicles: design and applications in blood brain barrier crossing Science Adv., 2017, 3, 8, e1700362 

  •  L. Messager, J. Kim, J. Burns, D. Cecchin, J. Hindley, J. Gaitzsch, G. Battaglia*, S. Howorka* Biomimetic nanoreactors composed of polymersomes, membrane spanning DNA nanopores, and encapsulated enzymes Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2016, 37, 11272-11275

  • L. Ruiz Perez, L. Messager, J. Gaitzsch, A. Joseph, L. Sutto, F. L. Gervasio and G. Battaglia* Molecular engineering of polymersome surface topology Science Adv. 2016, e1500948

  • P. Viswanathan, M. Ondeck, S. Chirasatitsin, K. Nghamkham, D. Cecchin, G. C. Reilly, A. J. Engler* and G. Battaglia* 3D Surface Topology Guides Stem Cell Adhesion and Differentiation Biomaterials 2015, 52, 140–147

  • J. D. Robertson ,G. Yealland, M. Avila-Olias, L. Chierico, O. Bandman, S. A. Renshaw, G. Battaglia* pH sensitive tubular polymersomes: formation and applications in cellular delivery ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 4650–4661

  • A. Blanazs, J. Madsen, G. Battaglia*, A. J. Ryan* and S. P. Armes* Mechanistic Insights For Block Copolymers Morphologies: How Do Worms Form Vesicles? J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011 133 (41), 16581–16587

  • M. R. Gill, J. Garcia-Lara, S. J. Foster, C. Smythe, G. Battaglia* and J. A. Thomas* A Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complex for Direct Imaging of DNA Structure in Living Cells Nature Chem. 2009, 1, 662 - 667

  • H. Lomas, I. Canton, S. MacNeil, J. Du, S.P. Armes, A.J. Ryan, A.L. Lewis and G. Battaglia* Biomimetic pH Sensitive Polymersomes for Efficient DNA Encapsulation and Delivery, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 4238–4243

22 5 Daniel Gonzalez Carter
Nanotalks - 4D Liquid Phase TEM of Soft Organic Materials
Virtual RS: Multidimensional biology: from time-resolved structural biology to phenotypic medicines
IBEC Seminar - Giuseppe Battaglia
Fjord Kitchen Madrid talks: Beppe Battaglia "The Dawn of Molecular Bionics"
Delivery at the nanoscale | Giuseppe Battaglia | TEDxSheffield
The Future of Health & Medicine
The Origins of Life - On Our Planet and in Outer Space
Synthetic biology -- technology and facilities


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© 1st ed 2020, 2nd ed 2024 by GBattaglia

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